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  1. Summerlin Report – September 2019

    September 4, 2019

    The summer season is wrapping up and autumn is just a few weeks away. We are looking forward to the busy fall season on the Summerlin Campus and across ÃÛ½ÛÊÓƵ Campuses as our 20th Anniversary year of celebrations get…

  2. Welcome Back Roseman University Students and Employees

    September 4, 2019

    As summer drew to a close, the University welcomed new and returning students to campus for another academic year. ÃÛ½ÛÊÓƵ students, faculty and staff celebrated the beginning of the 2019-2020 academic year with the annual Snow Cone Social outside…

  3. Domestic Violence: Recognize, Respond, Refer

    September 3, 2019

    What are the chances a student you precept or mentor will experience domestic violence?  According to an August 29, 2019 presentation to South Jordan faculty by Abbey Summers and Tiffany Perry from the prevention and education arm of South Valley…

  4. Delegation, Emotional Intelligence, and the Lifelong Colleague Commitment

    September 2, 2019

    One of the most difficult things to do in life is to delegate to others, especially when you know you are very good at the task. Non-delegators generally believe it is easier and more efficient to complete a task themselves…

  5. Where do I publish?

    August 8, 2019

    It can be a joy to see your research in print, but also a big headache to get it there.  Assuming you’ve executed a decent research plan and generated interesting results, you are now tasked with putting your work into…

  6. Teamwork and Collaboration, Emotional Intelligence, and the Lifelong Colleague Commitment

    August 2, 2019

    Looking out my office window, it is not uncommon to see skeins of geese flying by. A lot can be learned about teamwork and collaboration from watching geese. Geese fly in a V-formation because the flapping of wings of the…

  7. Lightening the Cognitive Load

    July 11, 2019

    This year I was approached by a student in my Pharmaceutical Calculations course about posting worked solutions to a problem set. “Answers are listed on the last page,” I said. “But we don’t know if we’re getting to the answers…

  8. Conflict, Emotional Intelligence, and the Lifelong Colleague Commitment

    July 8, 2019

    Conflict! A word that strikes fear in the hearts of even the most stouthearted among us. Conflict!! An ominous event that elicits an involuntary, white-knuckled, fight-flight response. Conflict!!! A saber-rattling rivalry that ends with an imperious winner and a loser…

  9. A Smarter Way to Spend Your Summer Break

    June 20, 2019

    With the sun-filled days of summer rapidly approaching, we’d like to take this opportunity to encourage our students to take advantage of the break in the academic calendar to recharge for the approaching new academic year. Rather than wasting the…

  10. Life after Graduation – Residency Matches

    June 10, 2019

    Have you ever wondered what pharmacy and dental students’ options are after graduation? Some go straight into jobs they have secured, but some go into residency programs. Below are a list of residency programs that Roseman graduates matched with this…